Prof Mike Kuria

Prof. Mike Kuria
Commission Secretary/CEO

Dr Marete

Dr. Eunice Marete

Deputy Commission Secretary - Standards and Quality Assurance
Vincent Ogunyo

Mr. Victor Ogunyo

Director - Corporate Services

Prof. Mutwiwa

Prof. Urbanus N. Mutwiwa

Deputy Commission Secretary - Accreditation 

Profile Photo David Muthaka

Dr. David Muthaka

Deputy Commission Secretary - Research, Planning and Innovation 

Ruth Dero

Ms. Ruth A. Dero

Deputy Director - Corporate Communication & PR

Faith Marete

Ms. Faith Marete

Deputy Director - Human Resource & Administration

Prof Too

Prof. Jackson Too

Deputy Director - Research and Innovation


Ms. Lynette G. Kisaka

Deputy Director - Quality Audits and Standards


Mr. Isaac Wamute Gathirwa

Deputy Director - Legal and Enforcement 

Hezron Image

CPA Hezron Njoroge Ndung’u

Deputy Director - Internal Audit 

Opanga Image

Mr. Gilbert W. Opanga

Deputy Director - Standards, Recognition, and Equation of Qualifications (SREQ)


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Commission for University Education

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P.O. Box 54999 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya.

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