Universities Authorized to Operate in Kenya

The Commission for University Education (CUE) was established under the Universities Act, No. 42 of 2012, as the successor to the Commission for Higher Education. It is the Government agency mandated to regulate university education in Kenya.

The Commission has made great strides in ensuring the maintenance of standards, quality and relevance in all aspects of university education, training and research. The Commission continues to mainstream quality assurance practices in university education by encouraging continuous improvement in the quality of universities and programmes.

The Universities Regulations, 2014 were gazetted on 12th June 2014 and are currently in force. All stakeholders of university education are being advised to familiarise themselves and strictly adhere to the provisions of the Universities Regulations, 2014.

In line with Section 28 (4) of the Act, CUE shall cause to be published, the list of universities accredited to undertake university education in Kenya. See the list of accredited universities in Kenya here:

The Commission for University Education will close down all institutions offering university education without the authority of the Commission.

All foreign universities that wishes to collaborating with institutions in Kenya to offer university education should apply to the Commission for University Education for authority to collaborate. Reference should be made to the Universities Regulations, 2014.


Foreign Universities authorized to collaborate with local Universities/ Institutions in offering Academic Programmes in Kenya

The Commission for University Education (CUE) is internationally recognized as the Regulatory and Quality Assurance Agency for university education in Kenya. The Commission is mandated to grant authority to foreign universities seeking to collaborate with local universities/institutions in offering degree programmes. Pursuant to Section 28(2) of the Universities Act No. 42 of 2012,a foreign university may, subject to the provisions of this Act, enter into an arrangement with an institution in Kenya for purposes of offering its programmes or joint programmes of instruction in Kenya, with the prior approval of the Commission. Further, in Section 60(d) of the Universities Act No. 42 of 2012 under General functions of a university council, a university may enter into association, collaboration or linkages with other bodies or organizations within or outside Kenya as the university may consider desirable or appropriate and in furtherance of the purpose for which the university is established.

Consequently, the Commission continues to receive and evaluate applications by universities seeking for Grant of Authority to Collaborate in line with The Universities Act No. 42 of 2012, Universities Regulations, 2014 and Universities Standards and Guidelines, 2014. In this regard therefore, the Commission, in compliance with Regulation 60(3) of the Universities Regulations, 2014, wishes to inform the general public that the following foreign universities have been granted authority to collaborate with local universities/institutions as listed in table 1, and in offering the academic programmes listed in table 1.

Table 1: Foreign universities with Grant of Authority to collaborate in offering academic programmes in Kenya

Foreign University Local Institution Programme offered under collaboration Date of Grant of Authority to collaborate
California Miramar University, USA The East Africa University, Kitengela, Kenya

Master of Business Administration (MBA)  

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

19th October 2015
University of Northampton, United Kingdom ( UK)    Edulink International College, Nairobi, Kenya    Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 14th April 2016
University of Greenwich, United Kingdom(UK) Oshwal College, Nairobi, Kenya Bachelor of Science (Hons) Computing` 18th October 2018
University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom (UK) Oshwal College, Nairobi, Kenya Bachelor of Arts
(Hons) Business Administration
21st November 2019
Beulah Heights University, USA Daystar University, Athi River, Kenya Master of Arts in Leadership 27th January 2022


The Commission for University Education wishes to draw the attention of members of the public to the provisions of Regulation 53(2) of the Universities Regulations 2014, which stipulates: Except as may be expressly enacted to the contrary, no university shall cooperate with a foreign university in offering academic programmes or joint programmes after the commencement of these Regulations without the authority of the Commission;

and Regulation 53(3) of the Universities Regulations 2014 which stipulates: Any university wishing to collaborate under this regulation shall do so by submitting to the Commission an application form as set out in the Eighth Schedule to the Act.

Members of the Public are therefore advised to exercise due diligence by contacting the Commission for University Education to establish the accreditation and recognition status of any university/institution offering academic programmes under collaboration, and whether the Commission has granted the said university/institution authority to collaborate, prior to enrolment in such academic programmes.

Recognition of degree qualifications offered by foreign universities should also be sought for from the Commission.

Members of the public are hereby being requested to report any suspicious institutions to:


Commission Secretary

P.O. Box 54999-00200

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


All information received will be handled in strict confidence.

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P.O. Box 54999 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya.

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