Dr. David Muthaka


Deputy Commission Secretary - Research, Planning and Innovation


Profile Photo David Muthaka



Dr. Muthaka holds a PhD in economics, Master of Arts (economics), Bachelor of arts (economics) all from the University of Nairobi. He also holds a CPA1 in economics, financial accounting, and law. Prior to joining the Commission, he worked as the Deputy Director (Research, Monitoring and evaluation) at the Salaries and Renumeration Commission (SRC).

Dr. Muthaka has 23 years’ experience in the public service. He has vast knowledge in the spearheading the development, implementation, monitoring and review of strategies. He has an educational background in advanced Macro and micro economics, public finance and Policy Analysis. Dr. Muthaka has also been involved in some technical assignments for the government of Kenya a notable one is coordinating the preparations for a National Conference on Wage Bill Sustainability. He is a member of the African Health Economics and Policy Association (AFHEA)




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