Ms. Mirriam Musyoki poses extensive knowledge in public finance and related areas, specializing in macro fiscal analysis, budget planning, preparation, and execution. Her proficiency extends to data analytics within Public Finance Management, encompassing tasks such as preparation of expenditure ceilings/sector allocations (Budget Review and Outlook Paper), Preparation of the National Government Budget Policy Statement (BPS), Review of the Budgets, expenditure analysis, costing of the budget among others. Her experience spans collaboration with diverse stakeholders, including government Ministries, Department and Agencies multilateral organizations and the private sector. She excels in quantitative data management and analysis. Complemented by strong communication and team-building skills, Mirriam is characterized by attention to detail and the ability to successfully undertake demanding technical assignments within the constraints of time and budget. Currently serving as Assistant Director of Budget under the National Treasury, she previously worked as senior economist and principal finance officer. She holds a Master of Economics in Public Finances from Kenyatta University and a Bachelor of Arts (Economics major) from Egerton University.


OkelloWith a resilient mindset and a pioneering approach, this C-Suite Executive provides a formidable blend of Financial and Commercial orientation. He delivers on P&L through agile business initiatives that enable exceptional growth and sustainability, presenting an array of diverse proficiencies. Laurence is a strategist and a catalyst; seamlessly blending the many moving parts of Commercial and Financial portfolios, with a keen aptitude to provide granular detail in the framework of the overall strategy to optimize growth initiatives. Laurence is recognized for consistent top-class execution in local and multi-national assignments, and his agility in spanning the macro and micro has enabled optimal enterprise positioning. Currently the Chief Executive Officer at G4S Kenya, Laurence holds Master of Business Administration degree Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Master of Science Degree: Project management from University of Manchester, Master of Engineering Degree (Honours) From University of Manchester, he is chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA).

ProfLagatChairman of The Senate Committee of Education. He is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics-Africa International University- Kenya. Served previously as the Deputy Director Moi University- Nakuru Campus. First Dean School Education Arts and Social Sciences: Moi University Bomet University College. Lecturer and Senior Lecturer Moi University School of Human Resource- Department. He previously served as Senior Lecturer Kericho Teachers College. He was the first Principal Siwot High School Bomet. He is a Senior Pastor Emityot Africa Gospel Church. Prof. Langat holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Education, a Master of Philosophy in English Language Education, Moi University, Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Development Moi University, Bachelor of Education Arts (English and English Literature) University of Nairobi and Bachelor of Arts in Theology Daystar University.


ps NdambukiRepresentative of the Principal Secretary 
State Department for Higher Education and Research 
Ministry of Education.


Mr. Ndambuki Joined the public service in 1990. Started as DO & DC and County Commissioner in various stations in the Country. Currently serving as Secretary of Administration in the Ministry of Education. He holds a Master of Arts in International Studies.


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